Welcome to Three Rivers Chamber of Commerce
"Taking Care of People and Businesses"
Benefits of Membership
* Network with other businesses to share news, ideas, and best practices
* Connect with the local market and find out what resources are available in our area to serve the market
* Increase the visibility and credibility of your business at our annual dinner and other Chamber events
* Work with local government on joint projects and community development
* Communicate business and civic concerns to our town officials through our monthly meetings
* Utilize our Mini-Grant Program which supports businesses located in the area
* Network with local businesses and citizens while working on community service activities and events
* Take advantage of our joint membership with Quaboag Hills Chamber of Commerce (QHCC) which allows our members to take advantage of discounted business courses and member events

Food Truck, Farmers, & Artisans Markets

Silver Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Bronze Sponsors:

July 12, 2024 & August 9, 2024
Dublin Steel Corp.

Board of Directors
Fred Orszulak
Auditor/ Trustee
Retired local businessman, former President of the Three Rivers Chamber, and long-time board member.
Vicki Miner
John Sasur
Has held various roles in the Chamber of Commerce including many years as an officer and board member.
Leon Wlodyka
Retired businessman and long-time board member.
Vicki Miner has long served the Three Rivers Chamber of Commerce in various roles including many years as an officer and board member. She continues to bring enthusiasm to her work on the board where her long experience is valued.
Vicki Baldyga
Board Member
Branch Manager at Monson Savings Bank in Ware, MA
Board Member
Roger Dugay
Board Member
Local buinessman and former President
John Janulewicz
Board Member
After a life-long career with the Palmer Police Department, John Janulewicz has recently retired as Chief of Police. While John is the newest member of the Three Rivers Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, he has long been a member of the Chamber and brings years of community service experience to the Board.
Vicki Miner
Board Member
Vicki Miner has long served the Three Rivers Chamber of Commerce in various roles including many years as an officer and board member. She continues to bring enthusiasm to her work on the board where her long experience is valued.
Tracey Giard
Board Member
Tracey Girard is a retail banking officer at Country Bank in the Palmer Office. Tracey is an active member of the chamber and is a valued member of our Holiday Harvest Committee. She is also a member of QVCC.
Carol Seaver
Board Member
Carol Seaver is a dental hygienist and has over 30 years experience in the dental field. She is passionate about the community and has brought many programs to our chamber. She currently is Chair of the Grant Committee and our Event coordinator.
William J. Vigneux
Board Member
Dr. Bill Vigneux has been provided exceptional dental care in Three Rivers, MA for many years. He retired in 2024 and is currently enjoying his retainment
Amvets Post 74
Vicki Baldyga - Monson Savings Bank, Wilbraham Branch Manager-Director
Brad Brothers- Town of Palmer
Wendy Cahoon- Special Thymes Photo
Alissa Chapin - Director
Stephen Chiacchia -
Sue Corjay- LimeLife by Alcone
Suzanne Cloud
Sheila Cuddy - Quaboag Community Development Corporation
Jacob Delisle- Designs By Delisle
Roger Duguay - Director
Mary Ann Duguay- Treasurer
David Flebotte S.L.M.
Dan Flynn- Turley Publications Inc./ Ware Business & Civic Association
Tracey Giard - Country Bank, Branch Manager Director
Marc Graveline - St. Stanislaus Polish Lyceum Director
Christina Hazzard- Country Bank- Secretary
David Hebert- Hebee Pottery
Julia Jalbert-McNamara Waste
John Janulewicz - Director
Brain Lachance- Bumble's Bees
Dawn Lefleur-
Matt Lemieux - Triple Creek Aerial Photography - President
Michael Matthieu- Director
Pat Matthieu-
Sean McMeaney- Woodpecker Crafts
Katelyn Miller - J. Stolar Insurance
Vicki Miner - Trustee
Cheryl Moriarty- Just A Little Craft Store
Annette Nevue- Surner Heating
Renee Niedziela -J Stolar Insurance -
Rock Nietupski- R.M. Nietupski Inc.
North Brookfield Savings Bank
Barbara Orszulak
Fred Orszulak - Trustee, Auditor
Bill Partelo- Wicked Woodworking
Timothy Patenaude- Ringistic Elegance
Doreen Piechota- Destined to Dance Academy
Jackie Ramadon- Ramadon Package Store
Michael Rondeau - Rondeau's Dairy Bar Director
Carie Saldo- Green Apple Manor Properties
John Sasur - Trustee
Brain Scott - ScottyDog Enterprises Inc.
Carol Seaver - Made in America Metal Arts-Vice President
John Seaver- Made in America Metal Arts
Todd Smola- State Rep
James Stochaj- Crimmins-Graveline Insurance
Christopher Stolar - Stolar Insurance
Michael Strzemienski- Strzemienski Farm
Michael Swiatlowski
Ronnie Theriault- Mustang Motorcycle Products
David & Erin Thibault- D & E Farm
Roland Thibault
Jennifer Toelken- Just Imajen Crafts
Tony Valley- Tony V Entertainment Inc.
William J. Vigneux- William J. Vigneux, D.M.D.-Director
Lorraine Wisnewski
Leon Wlodyka - Trustee

Mission Statement
To serve the community by promoting the well being of the citizens and businesses in the greater Three Rivers and Palmer area.